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Embracing Yourself is Gifting Others

It’s natural to assume judgement is what is behind someone’s eyes when you walk in the room. Especially if their countenance reveals anything other than sheer pleasure upon your entrance. When someone offers only a blank gaze, it can give entirely too much space for your vulnerabilities to make way for your insecurities. It's these self-doubts that will not allow you to consider an expressionless stare is a direct result of the viewers awe.

It's impossible to consider that you are so unique, impressive, even stunning that people can't help but take you "all in."

It's a disservice that social media, television, and magazines have caused so many people to become dependent upon outward and gratuitous validation. People have lost sight of the incredible value and compliment that just being noticed possesses. If you can remember this then you are step ahead of others. Rid yourself of the fear of what others might be thinking, right away. In fact, while you have their attention let them see you shine. Smile, wink, do a little dance even. Whatever you do, own your presence. Make it clear that no matter the reasons behind their blank stare, YOU like you.

With that being said…. The more accepting we are of others, the more comfortable we become within ourselves. You would do well to remember how much you appreciate verbal validation and freely offer it to the people in your life. Be mindful of their possible insecurities. A genuine compliment or heartfelt greeting will set the mood of our encounters with others. An excellent way to grow to love your uniqueness is to start acknowledging and appreciating it within others. Reach out to someone else with acceptance, intrigue and admiration. People will mirror your goodwill.

Jesus said it best in Matthew 7:12. "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." Insecurities within others and you, don't stand a chance when you are mindful of your uniqueness and help others embrace theirs.

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