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Dr. Joe Dispenza on Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself

As an adult, I was humbled by an incident that happened to me while I was working one time. This incident not only created an awareness, but it was the light bulb moment that propelled me to learn who I really was and why I was behaving a certain way. Some of us go through life holding onto events from our past which have shaped our feelings which have shaped our life as we know it today. I was a grown woman walking around with so much bitterness, anger, hurt from trespasses that occurred when I was a child. I was actually projecting these trespasses at others who in certain interactions made me think of these past events, I was guarded and actually repelled the very people I required in my circle of influence, and it even caused my issues within my marriage.

For me I was fortunate to be introduced to Jeffery Combs, my mentor and friend,who is unequivocally the master at getting you to see why you do what you do. If you are interested in releasing your past and learning to live in the present, I highly suggest that you visit his website at and connect with him on Facebook as well. Jeffery has coached both me and my husband and we owe him a debt of gratitude. It was Jeffery that introduced me to Dr. Joe Dispenza and his work. Dr. Joe was first intorduced to the world stage vis the movies, “What The Bleep” both 1 and 2 versions. I highly recommend that you read two of his books, “You are the Placebo” and “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself”. You will not be diappointed…you will have a self-awareness that will allow you to effectively and expeditiously change your life’s trajectory.

The podcast that I am including is your real lesson and I can’t do it justice. My main point I want to get across today is that if your emotions are often times out of alignment with who you really know you are and you are not liking who you have become, then it is time to peel back the onion. You will have to be vulnerable for a short time in order to reap lifetime benefits of letting go of your past emotional baggage. There is no better freedom that comes with living in the states of peace, love and joy all the time…yes, all the time even when the storms comes. You will look at obstacles and challenges are growth opportunities and with gratitude.

Life is too short not to be showing up as our BEST self. I hope you all enjoy the podcast and pease send me some feedback on what value you got out of it. I look forward to hearing from you all and hear’s to you breaking the habit of being yourself in what is the remainder of 2016. Go here to listen to the podcast: I will also share this on my FB page today so DO NOT miss this podcast!

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