Susan Reynolds, R.N.
I am a wife of 18 years to Jacade Reynolds. I am a mother of two beautiful girls, Isabella Grace, 8 y.o. and Addison Reynolds, 7 y.o. I graduated from Auburn University at Montgomery as a registered nurse. My vision is to get people to living the abundant life they so richly deserve by empowering them with knowledge to make their health the foundation of life and inspiring them into action so that so they can find balance spiritually, emotionally, and financially. When you have balance in all areas of your life, then you have the opportunity to live a life of choice and contribution.
Tammy Moss
Jesus Lover, Wife of one, Mother of three. Formally an L.P.N, but retired my scrubs in 98' to raise and homeschool my children. That season of my life has passed, and I am currently working on my Doctorate in Counseling.
Recently, the Lord has placed the truth our nation's nutritional health in me. It started with a yearning to personally feel better and has since grown into an insatiable desire to equip everyone with sources that will both feed their soul's and their bodies.