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What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is defined by scholars as the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. When comparing EQ to IQ it is very difficult as EQ is measured in observing one’s responsiveness to various challenges and obstacles as the difficult times tend to bring out the worst in people due to the emotions of fear and/or anger being triggered. On the other hand, IQ is measures your capacity to learn and done in a series of tests with the an end score.

I am here to make the case on why individuals require to spend more time developing themselves and their EQ as this is a muscle that can be developed. Every human is born innately moral. Neuroscientists state that the human conscience (of right and wrong) usually begins developing around age 9 months and onward. EQ is as much influenced by external factors as IQ. We know that children until the age of 6 years old are sponges and are modeling those around them and this becomes their foundation of their EQ. They will continue to model, but beliefs become ingrained by age 6 and because they have modeled behavior for this many years this becomes their personality.

The good news is that beliefs and behaviors can be unlearned if one creates an awareness, then takes the steps to implement new behaviors to replace the old ones. EQ is divine and it is a pattern and model that comes from God. The dictionary definition stated that EQ is the abilty to handle relationships judiciously and empathetically. Our justice system was created based upon Biblical priniciples of the expanded laws (still based upon the Ten Commandments) in the New Testament of the Bible. Many people go through life searching for EQ and the new agers like to refer to EQ as “enlightenment”. Personally, because EQ is divine and come from God, I refer to it as “agape love”. Agape love is an emotional-less love, love that helps their enemy no matter the circumstances and a love that is not reactive, but is responsive with a solution.

My friends, EQ allows you to remain focused and not get distracted from your goals, and it allows you to remain in the states of joy, peace and love at all times no matter what your circumstances. You are in control of your state of being at all times and if your enlightened and with a high EQ, then you can and will succeed at your goals in life while being a blessing to others. As humans, our nature is to attach emotions to everyone in our lives and this is the downfall to most people as they too easily take personal offense to what others say and do. When you are easily offended, you have made the decision to relinquish your power of control to another person. This type of behavior is self destructive as it relieves you from personal accountability and responsibiltiy while allowing you to feel that you require taking no action. I call this victim mode. Unfortunately, EQ is not something someone else can give you. You can ask God to aid you on your journey, however, you have to study His word and be willing to implement His pattern to reach this level.

Success leaves clues and one clue that continues to be repetitive when studying others who are successful is that they are disciplined in their daily routines and emotionally. IQ has nothing to do with formal education. It is my personal opinion that a formal education aids in producing self-discipline and allows one an opportunity to learn about area in which they would like to endeavor to generate money. However, I do not believe that formal education is a requirement in life to be successful. Richard Branson left school at age 15 and has no formal education, but look at him now. Also take note how Sir Branson interacts with those whom he employs and runs his organizations… a lot of agape love going around in his environment. I have witnessed highly educated business men, doctors, lawyers, etc., self - destruct and go into victim mode, and stay there long enough to have negative spiritual and financial impacts on their lives. Your IQ can’t make up for the EQ.

Lastly, I want to be clear on the fact that even though you develop your EQ that your are going to have issues arise that you wish would disappear or regret it showed up in the first place, even Jesus begged God to let the cup pass from Him, He did not want to go to the cross. You may go into victim mode momentarily, but not days, weeks, months and years on end like most of society who become lifetime victims. Once you establish your EQ, you will be so present and living in the moments that matter the most. This is why I reiterate constantly that EQ trumps IQ. EQ once developed and part of your identity will lead you to the land of promise, abundance, and prosperity.

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