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March 22, 2016

The FDA just outlawed CBDs and hemp oil extracts by claiming all plant molecules now belong exclusively to Big Pharma

January 18, 2016

When the World Health Organization issued a report this past October citing that processed meats are carcinogenic from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, news outlets and social media sites lit up with conversation. After all, this was a big deal...

Let Food Be Thy Medicine, Not Your Food Be Thy Demise

January 12, 2016

The old adage of "You are what you eat," is just part of the story, you are what your grand-parents, parents ate, and what you have ever eaten in your life.

Healing Your Thyroid

January 13, 2016

When your thyroid stops functioning optimally, multiple areas of your health can come crashing down. Common symptoms of under-functioning thyroid include fatigue, weight gain, mental fogginess, depression, hair loss, insomnia, and muscle weakness

Gluten Brain - How Wheat Cuts Off Flow

January 14, 2016

Gluten does not just adversely affect the gut; research indicates it can also cut off blood flow to the brain

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