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Practicing Presence

The frenzied pace of daily life and the stresses that accompany it may make you want to tune out. Let's face it, it is easy to zone out, but a healthier approach may actually be to tune in. I know, I know...that train of thought sounds counterintuitive. But becoming more aware of what is happening around you, not less, is, in fact, a step towards developing mindfulness. Practicing presence, mindfulness, is a unique method to help you cope with a range of mental and physical problems, including stress. The practice of mindfulness, trains people to be present in each moment; in the "now." The idea is to focus attention on what is happening now and accepting it without judgment. Although it sounds simplistic, mindfulness is a powerful therapeutic tool. It has been shown to ease stress, prevent major depression from reappearing, alleviate anxiety, and even reduce painful physical symptoms. Mindfulness does not have to be more complicated than focusing your attention on what is happening around you. This seemingly simplistic practice isn't an easy method to sustain in our hurried lifestyles. But if you make the effort to become more mindful, you may find the results to be well worth it.

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