Ditch The Diet
Ditch the diet. The majority of people who lose weight while restricting certain foods usually gain it all back and then some. Let's be honest, the idea of food restriction leaves a "bad taste" in the dieters mouth. This concept makes food the enemy and one must have an ironclad will to battle the cravings. We all know there is no magic pill or fad diet that delivers any longterm results. Attempting these will only prove to be a colossal waste of time. The truth is, obsessing about what we eat (which is essentially what diets are) only creates anxiety, which is counterproductive to losing weight and feeling happy. So what do we? Clearly we cannot eat everything in sight, and there are foods that we should never eat because no matter how delicious, they are toxic for our bodies. The question begs to be asked, "how do we control our weight without dieting?" For starters, we have to study the foods we are eating. Research the ingredients, discover for ourselves whether they are beneficial to our bodies. Refuse to ingest anything that has harmful side effects. Understand that not everything pleasing to our senses is advantageous to our wellness. See these unhealthy foods as the poisons they are and know that we aren't depriving our body of them; we are training our body to reject toxins rather than crave them. When we begin to feed our body the fuel it requires to function properly, we will quickly notice the results of our choices. Better hair, skin, digestion, weight loss, increased energy and an overall feeling of wellness are just the beginning of what we will experience when we feed to fuel, not feed to appease a craving. There are many websites and books that offer wise counsel on food choice. Formulas4Life is one of thousands. We can assist you in your quest to ditch the diet. We look forward to researching and helping you formulate a wellness plan for you and your family. Contact us, ask questions, we want to help you live your life well.