Celebrate You
Setting goals is great; achieving them, even better. Afterwards, can be anticlimactic if you aren't prepared to celebrate yourself. Not everyone will know or even think to give you a BIG hoorah. They don't understand the struggle, the pain, the blood, sweat or tears you put into reaching your goal. It's quite possible they
can't see your accomplishment as much of feat in the grand scheme of things; especially if there is already someone in your family who shines. But you know...you know the demons you had to conquer, you know what it took not to listen to the voice inside your mind telling you to quit, it's too hard. And because you know, you should give yourself permission to celebrate what YOU did. Treat yourself to dinner, maybe a bouquet of flowers. Make an appointment for massage, mani or pedi. If you're a guy skip the flowers. mani and pedi. But at least, treat yourself to BassPro, football tickets or the shooting range. The idea is to CELEBRATE you! It's okay to do so. It's not proud and it's not undeserving. YOU DID IT. Keep setting goals, keep digging deep within yourself and be ever mindful to be proud of doing what you set out to do.