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Control Your Gadgets

Electronic devices have come to permeate every part of our daily lives. They have proved a positive change for things like work efficiency and staying informed wherever you go, but there are some adverse effects of all this electronic inundation. For example, electronic screens emit UV light, which can interfere with your circadian rhythms. The body's circadian rhythm is the control system that regulates when and how you get hungry, digest your food, produce urine and bowel movements; it also monitor your blood pressure and body temperature. With so many critical bodily functions so closely intertwined to these rhythms, you can begin to see why any disruption could create symptoms of illness.

Electronics provide a constant distraction for those of us who use them regularly. We have all been in the middle of a conversation when a message notification completely derails our train of thought. This and countless other scenarios are examples of how electronics can hinder as well as help, and why it’s a good idea to limit electronic use at times during the day to stay focused on the task at hand.

For our wellness, we need to unplug (if only during sleeping hours) and put our phones in another room. If there is an emergency, we can be reached on our landline. Alarm clocks can still be purchased and set on nightstands. There is no need to check our emails in the middle of the night, and Facebook can wait until morning.

Mental Clarity during the day begins with a good nights sleep. There are things that we cannot control. Putting our phones away isn't one of them. Be empowered and control your gadgets rather than letting them control you.

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