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Faith That Moves Mountains

Jesus said "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." I am willing to bet that many of you believe He said it, but you don't believe He meant it...literally. IMPOSSIBLE! Right? Jesus (the GOD MAN) said: "Nothing will be impossible for you if you have faith." And still we rationalize the legitimacy of such a statement. We have all heard the Bible story of Jesus walking on water. We don't doubt the truth of it. He was God. However, we often forget that Peter (a mere mortal) also walked on water. How? His faith got him out on the waters, but it was his lack of faith that caused him to sink. Even Peter (an apostle of Jesus) had difficulty believing that he could do the impossible through faith in Jesus. I find myself pondering Jesus' response to Peter as He lifted him from the dangers of the sea. "“You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Why do we doubt that our EXTRA-ordinary God is NOT limited to the ordinary? He so desires that we have faith that will move mountains that He tells us in the Hebrews letter "Without faith it is impossible to please Me." Two "impossibles." One, nothing, is impossible for you if you have faith and the other, it is impossible to please God without faith. And we, like Peter...doubt the validity of both. Don't lose hope. You are not a lost cause because you have yet to grasp complete trust in God. You isn't ours to produce. It's a gift from God to us. If you desire to BELIEVE crazy...ask for more. He will continually birth faith in the believer and it is in the faith He gives that you will know His will for you. When you believe His will is a PERFECT will then all your desires, all your thoughts, all your ways break free from the deceit of doubt, and no mountain can stop you from reaching the impossible. And perhaps you'll find that mountain is no mountain at all. You may just find that the mountain is God, Himself, waiting for you to believe not just IN Him...but believe HIM.


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