Seeking Counsel
If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." We've all heard this morsel of wisdom, and while there is a definite truth in it, it is not a truth written in stone. We convince ourselves that we are not living in accordance with God's will if we share with someone the personal angst that another person has inflicted on us. After all the mark of a mature Christian is the ability to manage one's mouth. So we bottle up our feelings only to have them resurface a vengeance when the "offender" strikes again. Let me suggest to you that it is entirely biblical to seek Godly counsel when you have been brought to your wits end. You don't have to give a name, or leave bread crumbs that will give your advisor a hint to the identity of the person. You are there to ask what YOU can do to handle better the situation, not bring anyone down. You can bridle your tongue and still express your heart. You are not seeking counsel to figure out how to change the person; you're there for guidance on how you can change your reaction to the individual. I'm a firm believer in walking away, running if you have to, from negative people who want to argue about everything and find fault in everything you say and do. But sometimes you just cannot escape them. Satan would have you suck it up and quietly harbor bitterness in your soul for this person. But did you know Scripture tells us NOT to let bitterness take root? Why? Because roots grow underground for quite some time without becoming visible. They are there; you just can’t see them. The root of bitterness begins to increase very quietly. By the time it sprouts up, a lot has already taken place “underground” to destroy your heart. Honestly seeking wisdom is not the same as looking for an outlet to vent. And when given wise counsel, you'll walk away knowing what you can do to handle better the situation. There will be no guilt for having communicated your discontent because you weren't there to tear anyone down. You were there with the expressed intent of wanting to live your best around those who have a knack for bringing out your worst.