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Freedom to Choose...Choose Wisely

We question someone who smokes because we can’t understand why anyone would knowingly put something so harmful inside their bodies. It’s a valid argument and one that we need use on ourselves every time we open our mouths and insert food. No longer can we hide behind ignorance. There is too much proof that we are poisoning ourselves and our children every time we disregard the ingredients of the sustenance we are ingesting. From antifreeze to roundup, arsenic to cyanide and many heavy metals, we are consuming like mindless drones. We believe the said poisons are deadly taken by themselves but fail to recognize their dangerous effect to us if they’re wrapped up neatly in a bowl full of Fruit Loops or a juicy red steak. We are a sick nation! We have an epidemic of diseases among our children, our adults and the elderly. We visit the doctor and learn there is no explanation for our chronic fatigue, upset stomach, headaches, insomnia, weight gain, dizziness, inability to focus, chronic inflammation, hyperactivity, etc. No one is getting better, but everyone is paying for prescription drugs to mask symptoms. God DID NOT design our bodies to function SO poorly. However, He will not stop us from poisoning ourselves any more than He will stop us when we are disobedient to Him. It’s time to take control of your life. Educate yourself, READ before you eat, KNOW what you are putting in your mouth. Rule of thumb, if you can’t say, you probably shouldn’t be eating it. If it goes in a car too, reconsider putting it in your stomach. If it has a shelf life of more than a month, chances are it is NOT REAL food. Stop believing the lie that it’s too difficult to “do the right thing.” That is nonsense, lazy and dare I say sinful. “To know to do the right thing and do it not, to him it is a sin.” James 1:47 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 In the past, we have ridiculed people who were “health nuts.” Take a step back and look at the people who walk the road less traveled and compare how you live to how they live. THEY FEEL GOOD. They enjoy the outdoors, have crazy energy and focus, sleep through the night, use the restroom regularly, are overall healthy, They LIVE their lives. Their children are the same and very rarely do they suffer even the common cold, much less chronic disease. You (me) on the other hand…well, I don’t have to tell you the contrast because you are living it even as you read this post. If you don’t know where to begin, start with ONE bad habit at a time. Eliminate the most common ingredients that are KNOWN to be very UNBENEFICIAL to you. Anything white; flour, sugar, etc. There are alternatives that do NOT cost a fortune. Once your body has detoxed from the poisons you have been ingesting, you will find that “healthy” eating is delicious. If you’re not ready to cut out whites, cut out soda, including diet soda. You wouldn’t believe the toxins in these products. Please don’t use the excuse that your children won’t eat healthy foods. A couple of thoughts and I’ll let you ponder this post. Your children WILL eat what you serve when they get hungry enough. Would you give your child a bottle of antifreeze, cyanide, or even roundup for dinner? Would you let them play with these toxins in the backyard? Of course, you wouldn’t; you wouldn’t any more than you would push them in front of a moving vehicle. Even if they begged, you’d say no because you care for their well-being. So I ask you, why would you feed them these toxins in the form of cereal, desserts, sodas, sandwiches, etc.?


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