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Be Your Own Rescue

Can't believe January is almost over already. Are you one of those who said 2016 is going to be my year? Did you desire a new you in this new year? Do you want to change your identity? You have to be your own rescue! I am not saying you have to go at it alone. Put yourself around others with goals like your own, people who are like-minded, those who will be good support system, & borrow someone else's belief until you build yours. There are so many people who are hurting & suffering has become a way of life, but I challenge you to say this is a choice, an attitude. Most people who are struggling are usually hurt children in adult bodies. There is some kind of emotional baggage that he/she has not released which keeps them from changing. Letting go is not a physical act, it is emotional; it is simple decision of I am not going to allow my past to dictate my future. It is a decision for that person to take full personal responsibility for themselves, realize that you are where you are because of your own decision making and go to work on yourself. Be the best version of you that you can be and build your emotional intelligence. This is what opens the doors to the the land of freedom and where abundance awaits!


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