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Age Is Just A Number!

Both of these women are 80 years old!! What is your belief about aging? For the majority of Americans, normal aging looks a lot like the picture of the woman on the right. Overweight, no muscle tone, and that it is crippling. The woman on the left debunks your belief. YOU have the power to change your belief and maintain your health no matter what your age! Time to choose your old...age is just a number. When you address toxicity, stress, nutritional deficiencies, then you are allowing your body and immune system to stave off chronic inflammation which causes obesity and chronic diseases that rapidly age and cripple you.

I was fortunate to live around my great grandparents and one set lived to be in their nineties. There was a theme in my family of where they worked hard on the farm, raised their livestock, planted seasonal gardens, hunted their land, and fished from the creek. See my great grandparents did not have to work out in the gym because their lively hood provided the daily exercise they required, but let me say their food supply was not poisoned so they did not have to focus on the 80/20 rule like you and I do today.

Moving on to the grandparents, all of my grandparents faced worse time health wise than did their parents. Why you ask? They lived less off their land and their generation was introduced to the pesticides, herbicides used in farming. Living less off the land meant that they would require some for of continuous exercise as they aged and they forewent this, their consumption of toxic animal products was very high and their bodies were disease ravaged from autoimmune disorders (rheumatoid arthritis), obesity, cancer, congestive heart failure, parkinsons, and I could go on. I was taught that as you get older that your hormones go wacky and get very low, you gain weight, and your body starts falling apart. However, this is not true and each of us have way more control than we sometimes we want to acknowledge.

One thing for sure is that you can't argue with science. If you do not feed your body and cells properly and obtain moderate exercise (walking folks), then your body and immune system will cave to diseases which cripple you or shorten your lifespan. From the time you exit your mother's womb, science shows us that your cells in your body are constantly dividing and as they do this your telomeres which is your DNA strands are shortening...death is a part of our physical life granted the 2nd coming does not happen while we are living. Real old age and physical death happens when your body literally runs out of DNA to replicate. It is a myth that you have to die looking like that woman on the right. You have choices so get educated and start fueling your body so that you can live a quality, healthy, and long life on this earth.

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