What Type of Sheep Are You?
Are you a SHEEP? Do I have your attention? Well, I hope I do. I was sitting with my kids this morning at breakfast and as as sat down a couple of doctors sat down at a table beside us. Now, this doctor had introduced himself and spoke very nicely to the girls and me while we were preparing their food. Between this incident and the one that occurred yesterday, I wanted to use these real life situations to point out some facts and to provoke you all to assess where you all stand.
This morning, the two doctors began to talk and you could NOT help, but over hear the conversation as one of them was so animated and emotional that my girls were even astonished at how much energy he was expending on the conversation and issues. See this doctor was talking about the election. Trump's new campaign director for South Florida had apparently called him and asked for his support and he had some choice words about that...let's just say he is NOT a Trump fan. Then he says he is really NOT a Hillary fan too so like many Americans he is going with the lesser of who perceives as his two evils...the conversation went on and on over fundraising, etc. The whole time the girls wanted him to hush so they could enjoy their breakfast and I told them this is that guy has the right to speak his mind and to vote for whomever he chooses. I also used this as example to teach my girls that being educated and having a high IQ means nothing if you do not have a high emotional intelligence. So instead of fundraising for the rich clowns, our family will remain focused on creating our own economy. This election season howbeit absolutely obnoxious has not and will not distract us or steal our joy.
Yesterday, I posted a video on FB and the only reason I did it was because a rarity was happening which was that this guy was schooling a TV host on the white elephant in the room...the truth around gun control. Now let me caveat here....I don't support any candidate, I am not aligned with any political party, and I am not a member of the NRA. I do appreciate our founding fathers and what they hoped the Constitution would stand for and my entire family loves to hunt and I like the peace that comes with knowing we all can protect ourselves. We all have choices in life and you do the the right to make a stand and it does NOT have to be with the masses on any side. It is ok to stand alone or with a tribe that is like minded as you. I know that psychologically we have an innate desire to belong or fit in with others in life...choose carefully. The politicians thrive on you being emotional and on you being deceived that you can't make it without them. Do NOT be deceived. Do NOT follow ill willed leaders.
So, in the spirit of Freedom Friday, refuse to get emotional during this political season, remain FOCUSED. Remember that the President is not the only leader in America. Stick with your spritual, financial and physical health leaders as these will lead you to the land of promise. These are the ones that allow you to stay present, peaceful, healthy, high quality of life, and financial freedom. EQ trumps IQ without fail. And remember it is ALWAYS better to be RICH than RIGHT!!!