What’s Your Mindset on Monday’s?
Do you spend part of your Sunday thinking abut having to return to work on Monday’s? Do you repeatedly say that weekends are not long enough? If you do, you are not alone as many surverys state that most of society that work a 9-5 job feel the same way. You can be freed from this prison called your job, but you have to be willing to implement short term sacrifices to have long term freedom.
In the short term, you require becoming grateful for your job and the income it provides so that you can pay your bills and survive. Your attitiude of gratitude and how you perceive your job will allow you to perform at a higher level and give you the will to implement that second income…whatever you choose. Have I lost you yet? Short term you have to search your heart and find what excites you…what could you do and it not feel like work? Then, we go to work to monetize this. I worked in coporate America for almost 2 decades and I was still not fulfilled. However, when my granny and sister became ill with cancer, I found out that I loved getting back to my nursing roots. After researching cancer and disease for 16 years, I became very passionate at teaching other how to prevent disease.
Once you put in the extra time while working your full-time job and when your part-time income replaces your full-time income, then you can kiss your job good-bye. Long term, I now work from home using my phone and computer educating people how to become healthy and financially independant. I spent time learning how to invest my money that I generate in real estate and using a financial planner on investing in the markets. I get to share all of this info and it fulfills my soul. Yes, it was not fun short term working twice as much, but becoming my own boss and being able to be a stay at home mom whole working in the evolved economy was well worth it. I would make this short term sacrifice any day to have the choices I have today. Freedom to me means being there for my girls, contributing income to my household, and having choices of how, where, when, with who I spend my time, and it also means that I can be a better contributor…giving to those who are less fortunate.
There is a quote that goes, “You get what you tolerate”. Are you going to go through life allowing someone else to design your life for you or are you willing to make a change so that you can design your own life that you so richly deserve? If you are unhappy and unfulfilled, then you have no one to blame, but yourself. You are a victim of your own choices you have made up until now. The time is NOW to make a change and take back your life. Can you imagine a life where everyday feels like the same day…everyday feels like Friday…where you require a calendar so that you know which day of the week it is…it is possible if you are willing to take the above advise. Here’s to all my readers choosing FREEDOM and designing their own lives. Decide TODAY that you will no longer hold onto your excuses and play victim to circumstance and choices, instead be a VICTOR by choosing TODAY to take back your life and choosing to do what you love, what excites you and that you can implement short term alongside whatever you are already doing so that you have reach the land of promise.