Colds and Flu Season: Scare Tactics Not Necessary
For all of us who still have kiddos in the house or those just off to college, you probably just received your “flu form” asking can they assist you with the vaccination. The flu vaccine is laughable in that it only targets 4 strains, not to mention, that the makers of these vaccines had to admit they got the wrong strains and created vaccines that were not effective the past couple of years. Frankly, I try to limit the poison my children put in their bodies so we take other alternatives to staving off colds and flus. My one piece of advise to everyone is to ask for the vaccine ingredient information before you vaccinate. Yes, my kids are up to date on their vaccines, however, my philosphy is that once you are educated and you know better, then you should do better.
My children have not been to a pediatrician for a sickness since I began focusing on promoting their gut health, helping them make better food choices and ensuring they got a balance of micro and macro nutrients, and using daily fiber, multivitamin and some alternative prevention treatments, such as daily hydrosol silver and essential oils. The truth is that if your immune system is healthy it can fight off anything thrown your way, even cancer, but the American Medical Association is not going to publicize this as they require us to be sick so that they can profit. (Research how much of the Healthcare and pharmaceutical industries contribute to the U.S. Gross Domestic Product…frightening).
There has been a lot of awareness on the macronutrients which are proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The thing we do not understand is that all fat sources need to be natural and good fat sources like avocados, olive oil (not heated used on salads and dishes), grass fed butter if not allergic to dairy, nuts like walnuts, fish like salmon…you get the idea. The protein should be a source high in bioavailable branch chain amino acids so your body uses it not excretes it. Protein can cause a burden on your liver and kidneys so understanding this is important. We use protein supplements in our house and if we eat organic meats like beef or chicken we use a digestive enzyme to assist our bodies breaking that protein down swiftly so that our bodies can use it and get rid of it easier. Put carbohydrates in your breakfast and lunch and choose healthier choices like ezekiel bread…my family loves Dave’s Killer Bread with the yellow label, as it is a great bread. Eat bake potatoes and baked sweet potatoes and eat the skin. Use brown rice and quinoa, but limit these and use coconut or MCT oil with these to slow down the carb rush. Use berries such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, etc. in the morning.
Although the public understands what a fat, protein and carbohydrate are, there is not a lot of awareness on micronutrients which are all of those minerals and metals that you find on the periodical table…and yes, your body requires them to work optimally. Your food is depleted and there are hundreds if not thousands of studies to prove it. The soil is depleted due to lack of rock mineralization occuring because of the use of pesticides, herbicides and environmental pollution. The other reason our soil is just depleted is because of supply and demand also know as overcropping. There is no way around not supplementing as we can’t consume and most can’t afford what it would cost to make sure our bodies have all the micronutrients and trace minerals our bodies require so supplement!!
Since it is football season and I am a fanatic SEC fan, let’s use this analogy. I like to play offense with my family’s health…prevent not treat. Here is my action plan: Probiotics everyday to keep the gut healthy so it will absorb all the nutrients we fuel it with…remember a healthy gut means a healthy immune system. Fuel their bodies with food and supplement sources that have a balance of micronutrients and macronutrients. Make foods fun and get their buy in by allowing your kids to help you plan and make the meals this way they are more likely to eat it. Limit sugars…make sure if you are offering any item it is made with natural sugars like from fruits or with stevia or xylitol. Stevia and xylitol are the only sugar subtitutes that do not feed cancer, yeast, funguses, etc. Do NOT use aspartame (now being called Amino Sweet), sucralose, and high fructose corn syrup (now being called fructose) as these are neurotoxic, feed cancer, and cause inflammation in the body. It is amazing the games the USDA and FDA play with our health…dangerous one as again they need us sick so that the U.S. economy doesn’t crash. I use a bioavailable twice a day multi-vitamin (your body can only absorb so much at one time so make sure your vitamins are broken down to morning and night). I use hydrosol silver daily and as needed for cuts, scratches, etc. I use On Guard from Doterra and other friends use Thieves Oil from Young Living when my kids are in school as both oils are antiseptic. Remember antiseptics are for use with both viral and bacterial infections. Fiber supplements as needed…I use this as I watch the kids bowels habits…let’s talk about it…eveyone should poopy after every meal. If you are not, then you are not drinking at least half your body weight in water or your diet is lacking fiber, or it could be both. Reminder: we limit dairy...dairy can cause inflammation in some people and it is mucous forming so limit it if you feel inflammed…watch your ears and see if they feel warm after ingesting it, I can feel it in my joints, while others see stomach distress. Hydrate, hydrate...use the rule 1/2 your body weight in water and more it in a sport where they are losing water. Lastly, remind your family to wash hands frequently.
I can’t say enough that diet, supplements, exercise are so important if you are going to be healthy. I tell everyone hydrosol silver is my secret weapon in my “medicine cabinet”…we have not had antiobiotics since we began using it and my kids used to be constantly sick. I tell the kids our refrigerator and pantry are our medicine cabinet. Get educated, ask questions and research what you are putting in your body. If you have any questions, you can reach me at my mobile 1-256-390-4395 or email: we can discuss further. I could write a book about this topic, but I will stop here and you all can reach out to me for additional information or for questions. Here’s to you NOT being scared into a flu vaccine and taking charge of your health and your immune system.