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What Is Your Health Worth?

Have you ever been sick and unable to work or have you ever had a loved one get really sick to the point where their entire life is wrecked. I watched several of my family members and those I love fall to terminal diseases like cancer while others have learned to live a less quality of life and have accpepted their fate with crippling arthirtis and other autoimmune disorders. It is amazing to me how much scientific research is out there on how to prevent and reverese diseases mentioned above, however, so many people walk around with old, limiting beliefs that they are not in control of their health, that their genetics made them this way, and that they will continue going to the doctor taking the handfuls of pills some of which they have to take to counteract the other pill.

It is time to wake up America. We have the most sophistacated health care technology in the world and we still have the sickest nation and a very high death rate. Did you know that cancer cure rates with the most pooular chemotherapy and radiation is about 2%? Did you know when you break that 2% down that leukemias, lymphoma and testicular cancers are the type of cancers that make up the most of that 2%? I say all this in an attempt to get you first assess your beliefs about health, then get educated. With the age of technology, there is no excuse for not taking personal responsbility for your health and get in the know. I know there is a lot of contradicting info and garbage so stay with science. Love to love When in doubt about the info you are receiving, ask someone who has more experience in research, but God forbid do NOT stay ignorant.

Today, I celebrate Rachel as she committed to healing her body through nutritonal cleansing. Flooding her body with super dense nutrition making sure she had all the vitamins, micro and macro nutrients, and cleansing the toxins out. When your give your body what it requires it can balance it’s hormones, allow you to sleep better, have more energy, and work like it is supposed to work. Now there are a lot of great products on the market, however, I did my research and aligned with supplements that I know that are safe and effective. I am a science geek and am always researching and as I find new products I tell people about them. There is not one company that makes everything so I use several select companies to make my health arsenal complete. If you want to know more specifics on what I use or if you have any questions on information you have been researching feel free to reach out to me and I will get back to you. Health is wealth…when you do not have it nothing else matters. Remember Steve Jobs? Can you imagine what other accomplishments and impacts on the world he would have had if is health…the Big C did not take his life. Value your health…make it a priority today.

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