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I am so DONE with???

What are you allowing in your life that holds you back? This is so different for everyone, however, in reality we only get or not get what we TOLERATE. Ouch…yes, this is personal as it is really up to each of us what we become and the life we design for ourselves. Interestingly enough, our internal dialogue with ourselves and our limiting beliefs are what most commonly hold us back in having the life we so richly deserve.

I was so busy with taking care of eveyone else over the past year that I neglected myself to the point that I literally got sick again. I had exercised, changed my diet and had worked emotionally and mentally on myself to get my cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure under control just to allow it to rear it’s ugly head again this summer. So, I am so DONE with neglecting myself and not continuing daily habits of exercise and self-care that I deserve and require.

I am also so DONE with stressing over schools not having the right programs for my learning disabled child. Instead of compensating by attempting to teach her myself which meant 2 to 3 hours of homework time after school and a child that resents me for it, I have decided to find a school that accomodates her and/or to find a tutor that knows the program in which I want her to participate. The theme is change the things I have control over so that I am NOT out of control trying to control the out of control as my my mentor, Jeffery Combs says.

I am so DONE with worrying about what anyone thinks about my decisions regarding any aspect of my life. I do not require anyone’s permission or acceptance. This has been a big issue for me especially when it comes to parenting. I truly believe parenting is the biggest responsibility that one will ever have. I promise to do the best I can with the knowledge that I have and will gain always attepmpting to set my babies up for the best success possible.

I shared several items that I am so DONE with and I mean NOW. Are you committed to removing the roadblocks in your life? Are you willing to look at what beliefs you have today that are holding you back? The time is NOW…end 2016 strong. Take back our life and don’t settle for anything less that you deserve.

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