Are you really thinking for yourself?
From the time we are born to about age 6, we are subject to the indoctrination of our parents/guardians. No, you have no choice as you have no way of filtering or discerning the info that is given unto you so your beginning software depends upon whomever you are in the presence in during those years. Scary, frightening, right? The good news is that we have the ability to unlearn what we learned during those years and the free will to change our software at any given time.
I grew up in an interesting situation that made me a bit stubborn and strong willed to say the least so I was never the average child who just accepted what someone said as truth. I have always questions things so you can imagine I was labeled rebellious and a nonconformist from the beginning. Even for me, I have had to unlearn a lot of limiting beliefs that were seeds planted by my loved ones. The biggest thing is to remember whether your loved one was intentional or unintentional with the belief they shared with you that they did their best at the time so forgive and move on.
For those looking to change their software, the drawback is that it isn’t as easy as upgrading or changing software on your computer, you actually have to live the new software so that your brain creates new neural patterns. Have you heard it takes so many days to create a new habit? Well, the new neural pattern development is why and the new science shows that it takes about 66 days not the original 21 days.
Limiting beliefs vary person to person so the action to change them will be different. Once you identify your limiting belief, create a daily affirmation around that belief that you can say over and over throughout the day. Also create a measurable goal around this new belief you are created and get into action to make it happen.
As I have conversations and interactions with others, I have noticed that there are many adults going through life living their family traditions and a lot of built in beliefs from their upbringing, but not necessarily facts. The sad thing is that if we repeat what we have been told enough, then we begin to live as if it is truth and fact, when that is not necessarily the case. I was guilty of this with a football “fact”. As adults we are responsible for our own actions and even the beliefs that we have stored in our heads. So I challenge you to reflect on your belief system and see how rooted you really are in facts versus your family traditions. It is never too late to change and it can actually be liberating because their is nothing more liberating than the truth from an emotional. physical and spiritual standpoint.
Standing in integrity is important to me and I value it. I ask anyone who knows me to keep me honest and especially my children. I encourage and allow my children to questions things in search for facts and truth. I also tell them they have to be respectful and not do it for the sake of questioning authority. I am a firm believer that the Bible is the whole truth, my moral compass, my standard of living, and my ultimate authority. I show my kids how this country was founded upon the same book. I teach my children that over 80% of the population will not agree with me, but that the truth is not popular. The truth awaits you and so does your freedom…may you seek the truth and release your mockingbird. Here’s to you thinking for yourself grounded in real truth.