America's Heart Problem and Your Role
Our country and the original judicial system was founded upon moral, Christian principles. In light of all the lack of regard for life and evil being broadcasted in the news, I am surprised as to why so many sit back and ask why is this happening. When man serves himself and nothing higher, do not be surprised at the evil disarray that exist. I urge everyone to stay focused and do not be distracted by the events instead pray as the evil wants you distracted and unproductive. Changing the hearts of men is a process by which we are not in control. We are the sowers of the seed, but God adds the increase.
What can we do in light of all the evil in the world?
1. Pray, the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
2. Stand for righteous truth. The truth shall set you free...don't straddle the fence...stand up, be bold using the Word and be brave, remember courage never goes out of style.
3. Be the example we want to see in the world, each person is supposed to be a beacon of light. Make sure you have no spiritual heart problems.
4. Continue to live your purpose and prosper. Love makes the world go around, but money pays for the trip…money solves problems so contribute and be part of the solution. One of my favorite daily affirmations is, "I am a solutions' provider".
5. Continue to grow in the Faith and be encouraged by others…God created man and even the angels with free will so evil has had the potential for existence since the beginning.
6. Surround yourself with other like minded people so that you all can leverage each other and take care of each other.
7. Last, but not least..stay FOCUSED.
Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. Romans 12:17 NASV
The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart. Luke 6:45 NASV