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Freedom Isn't Free

I have always been fascinated by John F. Kennedy, a.k.a., JFK. Out of all the Presidents, I truly believe that if JFK would have not been asassinated that he would have went down as the BEST President in our history. JKF was a President “FOR” the people and NOT the self-serving government. I was also fascinated with Martin Luther King, a.k.a., MLK, and his ability to create change with peaceful revolution and he too was murdered and a life taken too soon. Why were these men killed? They were a threat to the status quo and when fighting for the rights of ALL people and the equality of ALL people and upholding the very Constitution our country was founded on, then the FEW that are being served rise up to stop forward progress for ALL.

Yesterday, I learned of another freedom activist being found dead. Dr. Marc Allan Feldman, 2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate, he was a voice “FOR” the people. He was a straight shooter and did not sugar coat any message. He stood for the truth, but what is sad is the the TRUTH is not always well received and when others feel threatened by it, then persecution pursues. Dr. Feldman was well known for his position with the Cleveland Clinic. More than 50 doctors have been murdered and/or have died under mysterious circumstances in just a few days over a year and there has NOT been any major media coverage. See the media is one big Puppet they coward to a pupper master. Every single person gets to chose courage over coward. I am forever grateful for JFK, MLK, Dr Marc Feldman, Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, and all the other doctors and freedom activist that have fallen who have chosen to be courageous.

The selfish cowards are attempting to silence those who are sharing the truth. The freedom activist and truth tellers have momentum and have forced attention to the threats of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) and poisoned food supply, ineffective cancer therapies, the illusion of healthcare system that presently exists, the empty promises and corruption in politics and now they are scared and for the sake of profits “they” are willing to kill in attempts to silence those who threaten their fat pockets. The food supply is controlled by Monsanto and many of the politicians own stock in that toxic killer of a company. Our government forces farmers to put organic lables on food, but nature itself owns that very patent as organic is simply the unadulterated food from nature not corrupted by GMO’s and Monsanto. This was the way corrupt, greedy politicians and their friends found a way to fatten their pockets and keep our bodies inflammed so that we can exisit with chronic diseases so that their corrupt pharmaceutical companies can make a living off us by feeding a pill for every symptom we have.

It is a viscious cycle and now these greedy cowards have left us the American people and our beautiful country that has stood for the land of the free in jeopardy as we have been put in a disposition where we the lack ingenuity or where it is suppressed in the name of greed of the few. Our educational system is set up in a way that makes schools compete for appropriations instead of teaching our kids the infomration so they have to be taught so they can pass tests so that the schools can receive monies. When you compare our educational system to that of our foreign neighbors it is laughable. Our children enter college being made to complete another 2 years of remedial classes which in reality should be completed in high school.

I say all this to stress that corruption has over taken our country and I am asking all of my readers to not fall to fear. I attempt to live a christian life so that I know that my soul is preapred to leave this eartly realm at anytime. Stephen preached a Holy Spirit inspired message of the gospel and the truth which was not well received and he was stoned to death. On the other hand and on the Day of Pentacost, that same message preached by Peter was well received and souls were added to God’s church. The message did not change…it is the terrain…the state of the people’s hearts. Those whose hearts are not pure may persecute you. As a collective, we should not change our message or the truth, but be be prepared for persecution. Likewise we should never look for trouble and the truth should always be shared in love and with the purpose of a peaceful revolution. This is the difference in chosing to be a coward or choosing to be courageous. Just rememer courage never goes out of style and although you may not get a reward for it here on this earth, your Father in Heaven will reward you for it.

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