A Lifestyle of Fueling Her Body Creates Change
Today's transformation shout out goes to Rachelle. Rachelle was one of our biggest skeptics, but to say that she is glad to have been proven wrong is an understatement. This is her results after 16 weeks of fueling her body with super dense nutrition and from giving her body a shower on the inside with healthy supplements to wash away toxins and toxic fat.
Every time you put the fork or spoon to your mouth you are making a choice to fuel or inflame your body. When you realize that your body is a miracle and can heal itself as long as you give it the proper fuel, any transformation is possible. Food was not created for just pleasure, it was created to repair and restore your DNA.
Today, there are so many genetically modified and highly processed food products all of which can create inflammation in the body. Choose wisely and seek assistance from someone who understands how your body works and how it requires being fueled. Most people do not realize how good their body can feel if you fuel it properly. Your body is an amazing machine and it is waiting to serve you. It's time to eat for health not happiness. When you lose your health, nothing else matters. Make health your foundation and your priority.