Leveraging Your Way To Success
Do you feel like you are going at life alone? Do you feel desereted even within your own relationship, family or tribe? Do you feel like you are pulling more than your weight at work? If you answered yes, to any of the three questions, then you lack the skill of leveraging.
There is absolutley no way for you to conquer the world or make your biggest dreams a reality without your ability to leverage others. Leverage is one of the most powerful tools in your toolkit. Don’t believe me yet, then just keep on reading.
In no matter what area of your life when problems arise, you are trying to solve them on your own and you may very well be accomplishing some of this problems, but the emotional and physical wearing that the stress causes decreases your ability for the next issue. See when you believe in something higher than yourself, as for me it is God, then you have the ability to ask of the creator to assist you, to guide you to those who can assist you, or to speak to so that you are not feeling alone. A weight is lifted and you can take the vale of the illusional pressure off yourself knowing there is someone higher that is there to aid you. This to me is where I can stay in peace and keeps me calm and grounded.
Another example, is the ability to leverage your team. See leaders assess people’s skills and abilities, teaching them and filling their gaps so that they can perform at their level. Also those on your team will often times fill your gaps allowing you to leverage their skills and abilities. The main idea is that you have to delegate and be able to depend on your team. If you are lacking in knowledge or skills in an area, make sure you add people to your team that has those very skills you are lacking so that you and your team can be in the space of flow not scarcity due to you lacking skills. When you are abundantly prepared, then you are prepared for abundance. When you are lacking skills, people, etc, then you come from a place of scarcity and you lose your ability to leverage which creats anxiety, pressure, and chaos.
Assess how well you are leveraging in all areas of your life; spiritually, physically, work, home, etc. Draw nigh to God and He will draw neigh to unto you. Get a trainer for whichever exercise you choose and get good at it or seek nutritional advise and coaching to get you in physical peak performance. Hire and keep those around you at work that fill your gaps and where you fill theirs so you can take time off or perform management level activities to take your company forward. Set schedules, learn to reward kids for completing task you do not have time for or hire a maid to complete laundry or cleaning. This will go a long way in proving the quality of your life, keep you in flow, and set you up to obtain your dreams.