Transformation: Doctors Know Best?
Less than 6% of all doctors have any real nutritional training. Nutritional approaches to health are not a first line defense and are not used as a preventative measure. Most doctors are just like you and me when it comes to eating healthy and learning about nutrition. Yes, they are self-educated...imagine that. I want to introduce you to a doctor that became educated on nutritional cleansing.
Congrats Dr. Peter!! As a Harvard trained medical physician your opinion is greatly valued....Peter stated, "I have my Ionix Supreme to reduce stress hormone effects, supplements for aging of cells to help my telomeres, my joints, my hair, my cholesterol, my prostate, to prevent free radicals from destroying cells, and every vitamin and mineral in their active forms know for cellular health. This and awesome protein from the best sources of whey (muscle building protein) is why I feel, and some might even say, I do not look my 52 years young! Hope your days are as good as mine!!"
I love how Dr. Peter explains simply why he chose nutritional cleansing and super dense nutrition. Be informed when you make nutritional choices. Not all whey is created equal. The whey Dr. Peter and I use has a 91% Net Nitrogen Utilization and only 9% Nitrogen Waste. Our products don't stress the body, they fuel it so it can do what it was created to and heal itself. Science is important to doctors so he had three scientific studies to review which proved how safe and effective the products he is using really are. Build lean muscles and stave off toxic fat, and allow your body to repair itself. Nutritional cleansing is just what the doctor ordered:)