What You Focus On Expands
Did you ever play that "Beetle" game when you were a kid where you would punch the passengers in the arm when you saw a VW Beetle or "Bug"? Did you ever stop and think that when you are focused on finding something like this car they are everywhere? See what you focus on expands. This holds true whether you are focusing on an object, positive/negative emotions or even events.
Unfortunately, when we have a problem and if we talk about it or focus on the problem and it just expands. You actually attract more of these problems into your life. So the problem isn't the problem it is that you are focusing on the problem. Easy fix...start focusing on the solution. I teach my girls to not talk about problems, instead focus on the solution.
Every time you complain you have an unconscious intention that will direct your future and outcome. So murmur less and start saying positive affirmations. Your subconscious does not know the difference between the truth or a lie so this is the only time that I allow lying. Neuro-Programming is so important as it is like installing software for your brain.
Likewise, this is why it has been said that your words are your law and your words have the ability to speak life or speak death. Positive affirmations are great, but you have to move forward to implementing solutions in your life as it does not always go as planned. One of my favorite affirmations is, " I am a master solutions provider". Guard your focus!