Poverty or Wisdom: You Choose
In the words of Tony Robbins, “Information without execution equals poverty. We’re drowning in infomation, but starving for wisdom.” The gap between those who are financially successful and not is the application of already proven knowledge. As it has been said many times, experience is the mother of all teachers and without it one can never gain wisdom. Application of knowledge is the missing link.
Everyone has knowledge, but it doesn’t make it true and it doesn’t make it profitable. Success and science leaves clues…both have been proven and this is why I harp on “give me the science” and “show me the results”. All the information I decide to apply has to be proven before I apply it. In matters of business this is why you will hear me repeat over and over that if you want to be successful, then find someone that does what you want to do and model them and the steps that made them successful. In health matters, I always wants scientifc studies and case studies with proven results. Anything I do or use has to be safe and effective…this is a difficult task as our healthcare system has brainwashed us into believing that results whether temporary or not trump safety. I am no compromise kind of girl so this dies not fly with me.
Success can be simple as there is alway is someone who has gone before you. People often hear me say that the best copycat wins. See you don’t have to reinvent the wheels in whatever endeavor you are wanting to participate in, but you do have to take action. What success isn’t is easy and this is why people fail to get started. The 97% of Americans want easy, instant gratification, or something handed to them. I am here to tell you that the Staples Easy Button doesn’t exist in success…at least not when you are creating your own. You have to sacrifice in the short term and I mean at least 5 years to be able to have the lifestyle you really desire. We all require mentors no matter how successful or not and what we have to give ourselves permission to do when we get started without getting discourage is to fail and make mistakes. If you have not made mistakes, then you are not successful. Life is a learning curve…I like the saying that in life we never fail we are merely learning. Every master was once a disaster so do not take yourself too serious when you are getting started. So what is holding you back? Do not let yourself be like the masses that go to the grave with their music never heard. Here’s to your success in 2016.