High Carbohydrate to Lower Carbohydrate Lifestyle
Did you know that when you consume a high carbohydrate diet that your kidneys reabsorb sodium and this is why we have issues like cellulite and swelling? Did you know that scientist and researchers have observed our brains consuming sugar and that the chemical reactions are just like that of a heroin consumption in the brain? A high carbohydrate diet yields no health benefits at all. Our bodies were designed to live off fat meaning our bodies can convert fat into ketones which is fuel that the body and brain can use and it actually prefers the ketone fuel over carbohydates and our bodies thrive in this condition.
If is better for us, then why do so many people fail at making this transition? Reflect on what I just told you about the brain chemical reactions of sugar and heroin above…sugar is addictive and proven more addictive than illegal drugs. Don’t take my word for it, this is scientifically proven so research it. The reason so many peole fail it that there is an adaptation period. This adaptation period will last anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks depending on how much your previous carbohydrate consumption was so if you ate many carbohydrates, then expect a longer adaptation period.
During this transition, it will be normal for you to crave sugaar, so it is important to add good fats to your diet during this time. Add MCT oil, cocunut oil, flaxseed, hemp, or olive oils. I like to add coconut and MCT oils in my coffee and protein meal replacements in the morning and I use the other oils I mentioned to my salad dressing etc. I also like to use ghee and grassfed butter and all my steamed veggies get lathered down in one of these. If you want a great tasting steak, add grassfed butter to it. If I must have a solid fat, I eat a half of an avocado maybe mixed with tomaties with a vey small anount garlic salt sprinkled on top. Also add fatty fish to your meal such as wild caught salmon, artic char, atlantic mackerel,sardines, black cod, anchovies, oysters, rainbow trout, albacore tuna, mussels, halibut, etc. The bottomline here is that when you are craving sugar, eat a good fat. Good fat does not make you fat, good fats actually increase your metabolism and you burn fat faster.