Prevention Versus Treatment
In many places in the world such as Asia and many European countries, people pay for wellness and not treatment for illness. With intense focus on increasing longevity and the ability to reverse aging and the diseases related to aging, it is imperative that we as Americans begin making a shift in how we address our health. For the last century with the creation of the AMA and ADA, Americans were convinced that we should treat illness instead of prevent it. With the continued rise of Artifical Intelligence (AI), the many breakthroughs in epigenetics and genetic editing sectors, immunotherapies, and even with medicine becoming digitalized, then it is even more important for Americans to begin thinking about how we sustain our bodys in wellness instead of waiting to get a disease and treating it.
As we all are aware history usually repeats itself and we are there again. What I am referencing today is the old school of Hippocrates, “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” It is critically important that we understand that food provides genetic material, not just calories or nutritents. How important is food? Certain foods can take a cancer cell and return it back to a normal cell. There is no medicine know to this to date that can revert cancer cells as they may kills them, but not convert them back to normal cells. Gene editing reesearch is in progress to do the same thing, however, human trials are limited and this area is being met with much resistance from the pharmaceutical industry. See nature can’t be patented and most of the breakthrough lessons are coming from nature and the human body itself.
I am a chrisitian and I have always believed as the Bible states "as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). We go to work to over complicate what we require to be healthy and have wellness throughout our lives. It is time to get back to the basics and use food as our medicine, began focusing on prevention not treatment, and quit paying for sickcare and pay for real healthcare. Nature is so amazing and we were divinely created with a body that has teh capability to heal its ownself if you fuel it properly. You are the captain of your own body so you have to take responsibilty of its care and there is no better care than selfcare which should include nutrition (clean, super dense food and herbs), hydration (water), exercise, proper alignment (chiropractic care), stress management and spirtual balance (meditation, prayer, exercise is part of this equation, etc.) Holistic health is on its way!