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Listening To Your Gut…Your Intuition

Have you ever been in a situation where you get this “gut feeling” that something doesn’t feel right? How often do you find yourself listening to this inside voice and get a second opinion or walk away from a situation? As I was discussing this very topic with others it was interesting to see how those who did not listen were worried about what the person(s) would think or how other would view them so they ignore their intuition.

Personally, I have always been intuitive and I listen to my gut more often than most people, but the difference between me and others is that I don’t care what others think or how they feel about me or my situation. See the golden rule that I live by is that the opinions of others do not pay my bills, effect my bank account or my relationship with God, therefore they carry no weight in my house. People are going to think what they think no matter what you do…you can’t control it. What you can control is who you put yourself around. Make sure your tribe is like minded and can respect your decision making. You will not always agree as there are many ways to accomplish the same thing, however, they do have to respect you. I don’t mind constructive criticism and I ask for it…I want to always be improving myself, however, it has to be done in love so make sure you are in the right circle of influence.

Let me give you an example of listening to your intuition. Upon relocating to FL, my daughters required a dentist so we ask for a recommendation and went to this appt. The kids and my husband said the experience was rushed, staff appeared to be having a bad day, and then the dentist came back with a dental plan for my girls that had $$$$$ price tag on it stating root canals and multiple fillings were required. Now my girls had not been complaining and I know they only floss at night even though I beg them to floss more often, and I know they don’t brush their teeth like I do, however, I was blown away as was my husband. The dentist office wanted my husband to make follow up appts. immediately to get this plan initiated, but he listened to his gut and refused and told the administrative staff that he would have me call them back. So I did call them back, but it was for a request to send records to my dentist for a second opinion. I can tell you that they were unhappy. The findings upon having our second opion was as follows: my youngest had one cavity on a loose tooth which we will do nothing about as it will be off to the tooth fairy soon. The new treatment plan consist of me attempting to get her to brush more thoroughly and floss more often. As for my oldest whom they said required a root canal and multiple fillings, let’s just say that there is only one tooth that will require a medium filling not a root canal.

I say all this to tell you to get comfortable with listening to your intuition. More often than not my intution has been right. Unfortunately, not everyone or every situation is in your best interest. There are always polite ways to say “no” without really saying “no” giving yourself time to investigate and get educated before making a decisions. After you do your due diligence and find that the recommendations were spot on, then by all means use the first person that made the recommendations instead of the second opinion. Do not make it a habit to ignore your intuition as it is there to serve and protect you. Lastly, assess your your friends, confidants and/or tribe and ensure they are aligned with you and are like minded so that you do not feel like you have to make decisions based off how others will think or feel.

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