The Mind and Body Connection
Today’s WOW shot out goes to rockstar, Brooke W. The weight is important, but the journey and person you become on this journey is a blessing for which I am so grateful. The mind and body connection is so powerful. If you body is ailing it will effect your emotions and the thought you hold. Likewise, your body will respond to your thoughts and emotions. Sometimes how we feel shows up as unwanted insulation on our bodies called fat. Listen to what Brooke had to say about where she was before beginning her nutritional cleansing journey.
"Why do I share this???
A little over year ago I was at an all-time low. Think pond scum low and then drop it down a little lower. The kind of low that's based on hate. I HATED my body. I HATED the miserable, nasty, negative person I was becoming at a rapid pace. So many of you have been there.... Some of you are there now, wondering how to dig out of a hole that seems impossibly deep. Then I took a leap of faith. My body started changing and that was nice... But suddenly I was surrounding myself with positive, growth-minded people. I learned to love myself. I learned to forgive myself. I learned that I have control over how my life plays out. So, yes, there is 74 lbs less fat in the picture on the right. But it is the ability to laugh, love and dream again that I'm MOST grateful for. And if my story helps just ONE person, it was all worth it."