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The Truth About Cancer

Today, my heart is heavy as another friend called me to inquire about what she could do while awaiting the biopsy results to stage her cancer. Cancer is striking often now to those we know and love. I am a firm believer that our bodies can heal themselves. God put us here on this earth with everything for life and Godliness. There has been remarkable advancements in the scientific research of cancer and if you do your due diligience you will find that alternative treatments or treatments with the body’s own or bio-identical substance are the very things that allow the immune system to heal itself. Unfortunately and due to patent laws, there is not much profit in the natural modes of treatment and profits of the vested few, but yet so large are threatened to the point of them doing anything to outlaw, bury, silence and even kill the doctors educating/treating people on such treatments. This is why you have to be your own detective and advocate.

If you are serious about learning about cancer and alternative treatments, please take the time to watch “The Truth About Cancer”. Google it, this week it is a free documentary series through the 20th and it will be an eye opener to show you how medicine is like free will religion. Hippocrates is still right today, let thy food be thy medicine. There used to be nothing but God made herbs and food, then one day the profit generation machines that contributes significantly to the American Gross Domestic Product was born called the American Medical Association and Big Pharma. This was the end of healthcare and the beginning of sick care all in the name of greed. Then the American Dental Association was born, again more sick care & more distractions from nutrition and preventative health. Google Weston A Price and his work…he was a dentist and he traced the need for braces and tooth decay to nutritional deficiencies. It is amazing what has been covered up and buried. Chemotherapy, surgery, radiation or a combination of all three only give us a 2% chance of a cancer cure. How do you like those odds, much less the poor quality of life? It is insane how brainwashed & in the dark we are and there are no excuses since we have the internet and most of us are connected 24/7. Did you know that your genetics play a 10% or less role in your chances of getting cancer? Did you also know that real food is DNA and the only thing know to man that can change a cancer cell back to a normal cell? DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Just as God said in 2 Timothy to study and show thyself approved…you MUST do you own research and make an informed decision…not a decision out of fear.

Your environment plays a big part in contributing to cancer. It is important to learn about chemtrails and geoengineering. Look up at your clouds and skies and see how often there are thousands of thick white lines…those are chemtrails. Get educated about Monsanto and how our agriculture business has been adulterated and our soil and food poisoned. There is more to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) than meets the eyes. Everytime you put a GMO food into your body your immune system has to go to work to fight inflammation and we as a society are chronically inflammed, then we wonder why our immune system is distracted or depleted and can’t fight off the cancer cells. Well, you would be weak too if you were constantly fighting inflammation. As Dr. Ruggiero says, “ The treatment for cancer is in the grocery store and the cause of cancer is in the grocery store.” Nutrition is so important…starve the cancer by removing sugar from your diet. Cancer cells have 6 times more insulin receptors than do normal cells. Sugar feeds cancer and the lack of it starves it. Ketogenic diets are a MUST for cancer patients. 20%protein, 70%fat, and 10%carbohydrates. Your carbs should come from vegetables and some berries. It is as important to drink at least 1/2 your body weight in clean spring or reverse osmosis filtered water.

Lastly, stress is a compouding factor that weakens our immune system and makes us susceptible to cancer. A majority of Americans are stressed out from many different factors so it is important to create effective coping mechanism and find solutions to problems to alleviate the stressors. Not to mention, just hearing the word you have cancer is stressing within itself so it is even more important to be educated and confident in the direction you will go with your treatment. You must be getting enough sleep at least 7-8 hours a night and good sleep…where you are not awakening throughout the night.

There are so many alternative treatments for cancer and with the scientific advancements we now can use genetic testing to see which ones would be be more effective. As always, prevention is always better than treatment, but cancer does not have to be a death sentence. Be educated, be confident and choose your path and especially choose your doctor wisely. Be prayerful always for wisdom for guidance in all those things.

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