The Double Edge Sword of Free Will
Do you find yourself in a internal war between the physical and the spiritual? All of mankind and even the angels were given free will and if you are honest with yourself, then you know that you have struggled with making many choices in your life. It is so much easier to serve ourselves than to serve others. It is easier to serve those we love or know better than it is to serve those we do not know.
The fact that the spiritual standard of perfection is not attainable, but has been set is one of the most common conflicts for us. There are those who will say since perfection is not attainable, then I might as not strive. Then there are others who strive to do there best and be there best knowing that they will never be perfect, but perfected by the one who shed His blood for us. I offer you a solution by changing the meaning we attach to the work perfect.
If we change the meaning of perfect to complete, then we can let go of the internal conflicts and continue to going about doing good to ALL people. Those who live in the world and are physically minded and can be selective. However, Christians have to strive to follow Christ’s example and that means not showing favor to any person. Christians have to go about doing good for ALL.
I am a practical person so I have to set myself up for success and the way I do this when it comes to reigning in my will is to have a reminder. No matter what the situation or event, I remind myself that we all have a God given soul and that He wants me to behave in such a way that I may influence that person to love Him. This is NOT easy as this goes against human nature and our survival skills. See this is the beauty of love in reciprocation and I am talking about the love of God. Since Jesus first loved me, went that cross, shed His blood for me, then I can take a deep breath and show him how much I love Him by doing what He would do. Jesus served all people, loved all people, and died for all people.
Free will is beautiful and I am thankful for it. We as humans imprison ourselves by the beliefs we hold in our minds. I am not sure what works for me will work for you, but practice using these technques of changing your meaning of perfection and looking at every single person as a soul living in a physical body, then take note of how easy it was to make your choices.