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The Universe, Our Just Creator, and Love

There are going to be times in your life when no matter how much positive light energy and love you put out there that some people will not reciprocate. It is human nature to want to feel jaded and a bit shafted sometimes when this occurs. However, I know that my role is to do nothing different, but to continue to offer love and light to those who do not receive and/or reciprocate. Our Creator, the Laws of this Universe, and Love NEVER fail. They all faithfully have your back so you have to stay steadfast in love and light.

It is never right to do the wrong thing. You will never find yourself in the wrong when you do everything in love. Just remember that your abiltiy to continue to act in love could make the difference in turning that one who has trespassed towards God. See you can’t lose in love, because even if you don’t convert the erring, you at least continue on your journey towards Heaven. Our God is a just God and He will take care of those who are unjust.

While we are on this earth, the laws of the Universe will prevail and when the 2nd coming occurs we all have to stand before the judgement seat of our High Priest, Christ so just act in love always so that when our days on this earth are done we can hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant”. Each of us is responsibile for our own behavior and actions. We each will stand and give an account for ourselves there will be no defense attorney available…each of us will stand alone. Remember that when people don’t reciprocate, don’t take it personal because it isn’t about you. It only becomes about you when you refuse to give God the glory and not act out of love. None of self and all of thee Lord…pray for those who trespass you and thank God for his Love and strength to continue to act in love just like He would. Love will prevail, God is love, God is the alpha and omega so love never fails.

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