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Vaxxed Documentary: Freedom of Speech Censorship

See the below statement from Dr. Andrew Wakefield:

To our dismay, we learned today about the Tribeca Film Festival's decision to reverse the official selection of Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe. Robert De Niro's original defense of the film happened Friday after a one-hour conversation between De Niro and Bill Posey, the congressman who has interacted directly and at length with the CDC Whistleblower (William Thompson) and whose team has scrutinized the documents that prove fraud at the CDC.

Here is Robert Deniro’s statement of why he wanted the Vaxxed Documentary to be showed at the Tribeca Film Festival: “Grace and I have a child with autism and we believe it is critical that all of the issues surrounding the causes of autism be openly discussed and examined. In the 15 years since the Tribeca Film Festival was founded, I have never asked for a film to be screened or gotten involved in the programming. However this is very personal to me and my family and I want there to be a discussion, which is why we will be screening VAXXED. I am not personally endorsing the film, nor am I anti-vaccination; I am only providing the opportunity for a conversation around the issue.” It is our understanding that persons from an organization affiliated with the festival have made unspecified allegations against the film - claims that we were given no opportunity to challenge or redress. We were denied due process. We have just witnessed yet another example of the power of corporate interests censoring free speech, art, and truth. Tribeca's action will not succeed in denying the world access to the truth behind the film Vaxxed. We are grateful to the many thousands of people who have already mobilized including doctors, scientists, educators and the autistic community. We will be pressing forward and sharing our plans in the very near future. Onward! - Andrew Wakefield (Director) and Del Bigtree (Producer)

If the pharmaceutical industry can’t be sued and legally they can’t as their is a law protecting them and there is a vaccine injury process in place where kids that do experience side effects can get compensated for their injuries, then why you do think there is so much effort to keep this subject from being discussed? I can tell you that Big Pharma & those with special interest in the pharmaceutical industry are afraid of this information getting out, consumers getting educated, and their profits and our nation’s GDP declining. It’s all about the Benjamins. Think about why Bill Gates one of the richest men in the world has so much interest in vaccinating the world…it is where much of his profits are…he has invested in big Pharma. Do your due diligence and research and be informed. I am not personally anti-vaccines, however, upon my own research there are certain blood types and those who are immunocompromised that are at higher risk for more serious injuries related to the vaccines. I believe that creating a new schedule that does not allow certain vaccines until a child reached 36 months is a battle that needs to be won and one that has much potential. I also believe that educating parents on making sure their children have their microbiome and immune system intact is the way to prevent injuries and chronic diseases from plaguing these children in the future. Big Pharma and the American Medical Association is too big and their pockets too deep to take them on directly. Progress is going to be made by grassroots efforts via educating and exposing the truth one person at a time. My motto is “I educate, you decide, and I support”.

Here is the Vaxxded Documentary Trailer: Trailer:

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