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Breaking The Mundane

Do you find yourself going through the motions of this thing called life? Do you find yourself dreaming, desiring a different lifestyle, but you are barely making through one day at a time? So many people feel hypocritical by dreaming while reality is that you are in survival mode daily making your dreams seem unachieveable. It is the same concept with people and their spiritual lives, as they feel like hypocrites when they fail to be perfect so they stop going to worship with the saints which is where they require being if they are going to get the encouragement, fellowship, and spiritual food they need to grow. Breakthroughs and growth does not occur inside your comfort zone.

So how do you breakthrough? See the old cliche is true, if you do the same thing expecting a different result, then you are insane and/or delusional. You have to make changes. Make a list of your goals and develop a path that would allow you to succeed. Look at your schedule, then decide when and where in your schedule you will write in the activities that will allow you to succeed. Sometimes it is the small things that make a big difference. My mentor, Jeffrey Combs, always says, “How you do one thing is how you do eveything”. He is adamant about having a schedule and developing your own system to be and stay organzied. This sets you up for the best follw through.

The problem why so many people don’t break the mundane is they never take the first step and work through the uncomfortable pain and inconvenience of the activities that will free you. When you start working out, everyone knows in the beginning to expect soreness, pain and almost flu-like symptoms. Everything is ugly in the beginning, messy in the middle, but beautiful in the end. Freud was famous for saying there is no such thing as external motivation so all that leaves us with is self-motivation. Motivation is personal desire to do things so decide what your desires are, take that first step, then don’t stop until you have obtained them. Here’s to you breaking the mundane in your life and making 2016 your best year yet.

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