Celebrating Freedom
Today I celebrate my sweet friend, Dawn Baron Ferrentino. She has been announced as the 175th Millionaire with our company. This means she has earned 1 million dollars and she did this in just over 3 years. One thing Dawn understood is that freedom isn’t free. She began by working this business in the pockets of her time as she continued to work as an accountant full-time and a part-time job. We are talking about a busy mom here of two boys and she was travelling around this country watching her two sons play baseball. She sacrificed getting up early and going to bed late to listen into team trainings and doing the calls all of which made this possible.
The law of the few exists because people like Dawn will do for a short time what others are not willing to do so that she and her family could have true freedom. The extra money gives you choices like the one she and her husband made when she retired herself and her husband from their jobs, but the freedom gives you life, experiences, and joy. Dawn gets choose how, when, and where she spends her time and money and believe me she does not squander either as she is a woman on a mission and she desires to help other families obtain the same freedom her family is experiencing. She gets that what she found is a gift and she has already helped five other moms come home to their families and she is not stopping there. She is a beautiful gift that keeps on giving and when you get to know her you will fall in love with her beautiful soul. It’s not about the money…it is about the fulfillmemt she gets from continuing to help others.
Dawn and I connected from the moment we met. She is a true inspiration to me and so many other women. She listens, gives, and loves abundantly so I know she will continued to be blessed abundantly as this is how the law of attraction, repriocity, and all of the law of the universe work. See you show up first…leaders go first and she is a true leader. God will bless those who bless others and I am excited to continue to watch Dawn’s journey.
To read Dawn’s full story click on this link: https://shar.es/1YukZ1
Notes: Results Not Typical because leaders like Dawn aren't either:) I challenge you to research the law of the few.