How Present Are You?
For the first 6 years of my children’s lives, I focused on work, was traveling, preparing for corporate meetings, or taking care of someone who was battling health issues or the health issues of my own. Although I had off days and I took time off for plays or events at school or soocer games on Saturday, I found myself physically there, but mentally I was somewhere else. Time had come where my girls would make remarks about why was I even there. I knew it was time was for a change.
I had to reset boundaries in my life so creating a black, white and gray calendar was one thing that helped me. Blacked out times on my calendar meant it was non-negotiable time and I would take no call as this was family time. White time was for scheduled appts. and gray time meant that it was negotiable time. Life is too short not to enjoy it so you must take charge and set the necessary boundaries that allow you to do so.
Yesterday, my famiiy and I spent the day at Disney. We got to Adventureland and there was a treasure hunt. You got a collectors card for every map and treasure you found and if you committed to doing all 5 treasure hunts, then you would receive the finality collectors card. I am pleased to say that my husband, myself and my two girls committed and completed this hunt and collected all six cards. It was a two hour adventure and we all had to be fully present to complete this activity. At the end and even though my girls were complaining that their feet were killing them, they both told my husband and I that this treasure hunt was the most fun they have had at Disney.
According to Tony Robbins, the best gift you can give anyone is the gift of your presence. One hour of time spent fully present with loved ones goes further than 5 hours spent with loved ones thinking about that meeting on Monday, constantly refreshing email, or worrying about your to do list. When we are fully present with our loved ones, giving them our focus and energy, it deepens the bonds of love and connection between you, creating the vibrant relationships we all long for. According to expert Dr. Dean Ornish quality time with loved ones will improve your health too! So to elevate your physical health and your relationships schedule regular blocks of time with those you care about. They will love you for it and it will do you a world of good!