The American Dream
I had the pleasure growing up with several kids from various countries coming to American as exchange students so that they could get a glimpse of the America Dream. It was always intriguing to me how hungry these kids were and by hungry, I mean unsatieting drive and determination to do their best and gain as much knowledge as possible so that they could succeed. The kids that I had the pleasure knowing were not privileged in the terms of wealth or status where they came from, but just privileged to be accepted by a family that would allow this this opportunity.
When most of the kids came over they could speak two or more languages, made excellent grades, did not require much direction and were self-motivated to say the least. They all adapted well and most were grateful for the experience just to be here in the U.S. Now my family lived on a farm in a rural area where the mall and grocrey stores were 25-30 minutes away so this was a culture shock for most of the kids. The farm aside, the kids knew what they were here for and that was to improve their English skills and to experience the American life.
My observations were that the European kids thought that the Bible Belt was a bit strick for them, they were socially less connection, but knoew they were still grateful for the experience. The Europeans also realized quckly that Americans were working their tails off to obtain that cash that afforded that American dream and they felt that we often worked a little too hard. The South Americans embraced life everyday and had a joy for life and a gratitude like none other. Their hunger took on a whole new level and this is where one family stood out and taught me and my family some valuable lessons.
My sister ended up hosting a young 15 year old boy from Colombia. He spoke little to no English when he arrived. At first glance, our family was concerned as we had never had a kid that spoke this little English and we did not think he would make it long here before he got frustrated or if he could not make it at school. Well, I am happy to report that his resilence, his hunger, his drive allowed him to graduate that year. He left for a year, then return to attend college. Meanwhile he decides to find a way to finance hs educate and his entrepreurial business emerges and the rest is history. His girlfriend decides to join him and she arrived speaking no English and after hours of sitting with her Santa Biblia and my Bible I was able to teach her English. She went to college here and has graduated with her MBA and she was so valuable to her company that they sponsored her Visa. These two are now holding green cards legally and are on their way to being U.S. Citizens. The story doesn’t end, her sister came and lived with us and went to college and is now working here with a sponsored visa.
So why did I tell you this story? After watching kid after kid come through the States to experience the American Dream, it validated what a great country we have and how Americans often take for granted the wonderful opportuntities we have that are awaiting us if we are willing to put in the work. I have watched this one family mentioned above come here and with much sacrifice ( missing loved ones funerals, birthdays, births, etc.) come here and work their tails off to have what this wonderful country has to offer us. These kids’ parents did not have wealth and they did not have any advantage over Americans. They were on the same level playing field as most Americans and yet they succeeded, why? When you are hungry, you get into action, you don’t talk about a plan, you execute the plan and that is exacly what this one family did. our relationships grew into being that of family, my girls were their flower girls in their wedding, and this year our families will be traveling to Colombia to experince their life. I am proud to call them family, they have inspired our family to appreciate and embrace the American Dream. May you take inspiration from this story and have a renewed appreciation for the opportunties we have here in this wonderful country.