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Transforming Grace

I am a lover of words. They carry more weight with me than with most people. I firmly believe one's word is their bond. However, when actions do not substantiate the sentiments of individuals, I find myself monumentally disappointed. I do not trust those who use words, no matter how sincere they may sound and excuse their behavior. To say one thing and to act in direct opposition of one's words is, to me, a sign of hypocrisy. It's a symptom of an insincere heart and in the past that fact left me flummoxed.

Why don't people just say what they mean and mean what they say?

Why can't they simply back up their beautifully spoken words with evidence found in their actions? I found myself asking these questions not only of others but myself. I am not blameless in mishandling my words from time to time. Not often with others, as I did in my youth, but with God. Did my words always line up with my actions for Him? I now can say "yes, to the best of my ability, but ONLY because He graced me to see where I fell short." Because my desire is to please Him above all, He began a transformation in me. He was ONLY able to do so when I NOT ONLY acknowledged and confessed my failings but made strides in changing my behavior.

He grows within me a deeper appreciation of words. He helps me to understand their power and what an inertia of Godly knowledge resembles. I detest what was in me as well as the deception of others who do not stand behind their word. However, because of the grace afforded me, I am transformed to walk and talk differently than what causes rise for indignation. Now, when I am moved to grow frustrated with myself or others for our weaknesses, I am aware there is only one word that is PERFECT; that refuses to disappoint and never fails in its consistency. That word, of course, being God's Word.

I know there are people I can trust; there are souls who taste what is good in their mouths before speaking and those people I cherish. And when I am disappointed by the spiritual immaturity and self-righteousness of others and myself, I am reminded of this TRUTH "Far better to trust in God than to trust in people." Psalm 118:8

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