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Your Daily Habits and Discipline

My friend and mentor, Jeffrey Combs says, "you will never out perform your daily habits". At first, I resisted this concept, however, as I continued to research successful people one of the things they had in common was that they all disciplined and had a schedule and daily routine. The best way to succeed is to find someone who has what you or has done what you want to do and do what they did. So many people want freedom and most people define this in terms of time and money. I define freedom as having choices when it comes to spending and contributing with both my money and time. It is being able to do what I love, when I want, and with the people I want to do it with everyday. However, hoping and wishing gets you nowhere. The land of promise can be reached as long as you are willing to put in the consistent, daily actions that will move your toward your dreams. Take a rigorously honest assessment of how disciplined you are and journal where your focus is going and the things you are truly spending your time on daily. After you assess, then create a schedule full of activities that will serve you and your goals. My friend and mentor Lynn Hagedorn says, "are you interested or committed". Freedom comes to those who are committed. Commitment is defined by doing that which you said you would long after the feeling you said it in is gone. Are you committed to daily exercise, eating healthy, spiritual enrichment, meditation, personal development, and keeping to that calendar you set up? You have to be committed if you truly want freedom. Although the word freedom contains the word free, it does not mean that you do not have to do anything. A dream without action is delusion. Freedom requires work and your dreams await you. Make a commitment to own your personal discipline and daily habits so that you can make your dreams come true.

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