How Do You Wait?
Sometimes, usually in what seems the most inconvenient of times, we have to simply be still, taciturn and obedient. We must ponder the will of God in our lives, reflect, and wait. Waiting, resting, reflecting; all can be utilized as tools to grow us if we do so with the understanding that "how" we wait can honor God or speak volumes of our distrust of Him. When He calls us to be still, do we fret? Are we unsatisfied with the circumstances in our lives? Can we glorify Him in the mysteries of what's to come? Is there a conflict in your life? Do you choose to assume you have the answers and press your will in a situation rather than trust He's "got this," or have you considered He's doing wonders in another that you cannot see? True obedience in "waiting" is to pray and pray only. If you find yourself hyper aware of the faults of others and "just know" in your gut that if they'd only...chances are God is NOT ONLY working on them. Being SO very in tuned to the failings of others doesn't make you right, and chances are the Father is waiting for you to be humble so that He can resolve the quandary. When we wait in a manner that glorifies God, we do not point out what is wrong; whether in relationship or circumstance. We must be careful of Satan and his guile. He is insidious and will distort our knowledge of God's Word to keep us in "the waiting." And it is when we fret over circumstance or when are convinced of others weaknesses that he is most assuredly working in us. Oh...he's sneaky and has deceived us well when we believe our way is the will of God when in conflict with another in Christ. He's done his job when we toss and turn over circumstance. God is not glorified in our "rightness" nor is honored when we are anxious over what is to come. We MUST lie down beside still waters, be quiet, humble and reverent. And we MUST pray. If in conflict, we ask forgiveness for our pride for assuming He isn't working the situation differently than we believe He should. If we are anxious over circumstance, we seek forgiveness for our impatience and distrust that He is sovereign. And in either situation, we humbly ask "teach me, Lord, to wait, right down on my knees till, in Your own good time, You answer my pleas. Teach me not to rely on what others do, but to wait IN PRAYER for an answer from you."