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Conviction Versus Convenience

What stands between what you want and why you don't have it? When I often ask this question, the most common answers that I receive are time and money. If you are sitting around waiting to win a lottery, obtain a monetary inheritance, or working a 9-5 job, then you maybe right. I am writing to offer you a new perspective so that you can assess your deep seeded belief surrounding why you don't have what you want and why you are not doing what you love to do.

From the time we are born through age 6, we are neurologically being programmed by our parents and those around us which creates our fundamental belief system. From age 6 and onward until we are young adults and own our own, most of those beliefs if you are still around the same parents and family are repeatedly reinforced. Unfortunately, our well intentioned parents can leave us with some limiting beliefs that we carry with us into adulthood which hinders us from obtaining our dreams. Let me give you some examples of things that I heard growing up; "Money does not grow on trees.", "I am not a bank.", and "I wish I could buy you brand name clothes." all of these infer that money is limited, it creates our scarcity mindset, and trains our subconcious that this is our comfort zone so when we go to do anything that would create wealth in our lives, then it will attempt to sabotage you in order to keep you feeling safe as this is one of it's jobs.

Change does not happen on an intellectual level it happens on a celluar level. There are neural pathways in your brain that wire and fire together and your subconcious has already memorized this limiting belief pattern and it requires a concious effort your part to create new communication patterns. I began with positive affirmations that I made personal and specific regarding my goals and dreams and I plastered them where I spent the most of my time (refigerator and bathroom mirror), I created a vision board so that what I wanted and what I loved to do everyday was front and center so I could stay focused. I created a daily schedule and routine which helped me stay on track and that was aligend with my goals, and I got up early and went to bed later. It will be uncomfortable and awkward at first and of course it will be highly inconvenient, but do it anyway as you will thank yourself later as you start replacing items on your vision board with other things as you have gotten them and are now expanding your vision.

As Lisa Nichols said, "Your convictions and your convience will never live on the same block." If you want to obtain the dreams and visions that reside within you, then you have to evict your ego and disrupt your own mediocrity. Everything is energy and as you reign in your thoughts and your language both with yourself and the world, then you truly own your future and your dreams. Nothing can stop you from having what you want and doing what you love.

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