Real Life Isn't Virtual Reality
We live in a hurried world. No time to stop and smell the roses. Most people miss the present because they are recording it on their phones to remember in the future. We document our lives for the masses and yet we are missing out on our lives. Have we become so connected to social media that we have forgotten how to connect with real lifer's? Perhaps we should all evaluate our time spent documenting versus our time spent living and respond accordingly. I am not anti-social media; I'm a regular Facebooker, but I admit my guilt of watching others "live" more than I do from time to time. If truth be told, those I watch are probably guilty of documenting and posting more than they are living. So I say take a break from virtual reality, go outside and rather than "like" something that looks fun, DO something fun. Instead of saving a tasty recipe, prepare it for yourself and your family. Don't just post an inspirational quote, be the inspiration. Social Media is a new norm, but it can't become our reality. We must discipline our time on the internet, Snapchat, Insta, etc. and become proactive in our own worlds. Memories aren't made on Facebook; they're made when you make the choice to choose life.