Tuesday's Health Transformation
This Tuesday's taking your health back shout out goes out to Jeff. In 2004, he had open heart surgery and in 2015 he found himself still in an unhealthy state and feeling sorry for himself. Although Jeff has experienced positive weightloss, he says, "It is not about weight loss. In my mind I thought poor me I'm a victim of bad health so I lived that way." He has taken his health back with nutritional cleansing. He gave his body the micro and macro nutrients it requires to work optimally, reducing infammation, and feeling like a victor now. Creating a new lifestyle is about correcting your mindset and Jeff is an example of how your mindset can be hold you back. Just because you have a medical condition does not mean that it to has to become your identity. When you don't have your health, nothing else matters. May you find your inner victor and take your health back this year. It is now o'clock...decide, commit, then take action like Jeff did.