No More Yo-Yo
Most people can find a way to shed a few pounds, but the rub is keeping it off. Are you tired of the yo-yo dieting and are you ready to take your health back once and for all? Tasha released 46 pounds with nutritional cleansing. She just celebrated her first anniverary of maintaing this weight loss and taking her health back. When you reduce toxicity in the body, you body will stop storing fat to protect your vital organs. Toxins and chronic inflammation caused by toxins distrub hormonal balance and when you reduce toxins your body begins to rebalance itself. Did you know that newborns are born with over 268 chemical toxins in the cord blood? We are born toxic and no one is immune and there is no escaping the exposure, but you can reduce the exposures and cleanse the toxins giving your body the ability to maintain good health. Here's to taking your health back in 2016.