So what really separates the successful from the unsuccessful? Why does it seem that some people can turn any opportunity into profit while others continue to struggle to live paycheck to paycheck? Do gene pools, IQ levels, and education really matter? Why does such a GAP exists?
Although I am sure we all have really great ideas, success leaves clues and we should be paying attention. It would behoove everyone to find someone successful, then emulate them. Do not reinvent the wheel, wait until you are successful, then work on an improvement plan. You can look at many successful people from Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, and I could go on and on and you will find a similarity in the fact that their habits and discipline paid off. I want to point out that one thing these three individuals had in common was that they all three believed in themselves. So let me say this now, if you do not believe in yourself, then you have two choices…continue to be unsuccessful or borrow someone else’s belief until yours is unshakable.
Although a work ethic and discipline will not guarantee wealth, it is a great start. There are a lot of people who work 9-5 jobs that have a work ethic and discipline, however, this will not get you to the land of promise. You have to enter the world of free enterprise, in order to get ahead. See Oprah started working for someone, then branched out on her own.
So what is the GAP? Essentially it is yourself, your belief in yourself and capabilities, and your ability to dream Big, then not play small. So what I am really saying is that you and you alone are the GAP. Time to go to work on being the best you that you can be so you can remove the GAP and journey to the land of promise. Here is a list of things that you can do to becoming the best you in 2016:
Start and end everyday with gratitude. Name 3-10 things you are grateful for now thanking the Universe and our Creator for the many blessing.
Praying for those who trespass you and sending thoughts of love and happiness to them. I like to call this the blessing and releasing technique.
Review your calendar…yes, you can have an electronic schedule, but you must have a written, visible calendar as well. This should be done every morning and night.
Personal Development: Reading no less than 15 minutes per day in a book.listening to podcast, CDs, DVD’s, etc. Make your commute a mobile university.
Spiritual Development: Reading your Bible every single morning and night. This is where you will learn that our purpose is to serve others. When we live in the solution we are open to opportunities and when we have solutions, then we are of service to others. Always be living in the solution whether for yourself or for others.
Physical Development: Establish an exercise routine that you can do daily whether you are at home or traveling. Make sure you enjoy it and mix it up to things like swimming, running, weights, etc. Keep it fresh and fun. Also have a clean eating plan that works at home and on the road.
Practice Being Present: NOW is all we are promised. Be present and embrace the NOW…we all should have short and long term goals, but do not get overwhelmed looking to far ahead into the future. Stay focused on the activities that will get you closer to your short term goals.
Implement these 7 simple, but not necessarily easy step and do this for 30 days and see how it affects your life. You have nothing to lose by becoming a better you and at most you have gained positive habits and daily disciplines which serve you. You will be amazed at how your perspective changes in many aspects. Be the change you seek and the Universe will conspire in your favor bringing the right people, opportunities into your life. Cheers to your best year yet!!