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Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver is an antiseptic and is used to kill bacteria, viruses, spirochetes, parasites and funguses. Colloidal silver does not harm healthy flora or tissues. Silver nitrate has been documented for it germicidal properties for immune challenges use dating back to 69 B.C. in Greece, Rome, Phoenecia and Macedonia. Silver was used in a variety of ways in history past such as keeping food from spoiling, placing silver wires around hard to heal wounds to promote healing, farmers put silver coins in buckets of milk to prevent spoilage, chemist used silver dimes to sterilize petri dishes, and Hippocrates would use silver to promote tissue repair.

For a more thorough explanation on Colloidal Silver and it’s benefits here is a link to a to an informative interview between Peter Greenlaw, Gordon Pederson, PHD on The New health Conversation TV show:

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