Worry Won't Change A Thing
One day you are going to look back on today and...oh wait, the chances are high that you won't look back on today. There are few days in our lives that we recall with any accuracy. Please don't misunderstand me. We all have certain events that we remember, but over the course of our lives, there are more days that get lost somewhere in our minds than there are ones that vividly stand out. So I ask you to reconsider your mental position today. Are you ill? Then take steps towards wellness rather than focusing on your poor health. Are you having financial difficulties? We all do from time to time; often because of poor choices we've made with our money, occasionally because some unforeseen expense has occurred and sometimes it is the effect of things out of our control. Whatever the cause of your money situation, you can know from personal experience that it could be worse and even if that isn't the case, it is not going to always be like it is today. It's money, no matter what you loose because there is a lack of it, you haven't lost your life and lost "things" can eventually be replaced. Are times stressful at work? It won't last. I won't. The problem is fleeting, and any negative energy you feel is wasted. Take steps to improve the situation or accept the situation and refuse to give it space in your thoughts. No matter the cause of your angst today, it will pass. Before the years end, you will likely not remember today again, you'll likely forget it by months end. Not to be flippant about our stressors. Some cause great emotional turmoil. Some events can be devastating, but I pray for you to transform your thinking and remember that devastating isn't the same as destruction (death...your death) How you handle today, will...do you hear me...WILL dictate your tomorrow. Transformation of your mind means you have to be purposeful of your thoughts. You must control them rather than allow them to control you. Mourning the past, worrying about the future, anticipating trouble; these feelings will never change your circumstances. They will only harm you. Live in the present, accept your condition, be wise and earnest in make healthy resolutions. If you do this, then today will be a day you do recall. You'll remember it as the day you said "no more" to pointless angst and began living a life free of directionless thinking.