Are You Merciful?
One of the most beautiful verses in the Bible is Hebrews 8:12 where the writer is quoting from Jeremiah 31:34 " For I will be merciful to their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more." These very verses are depicting the superior differences between the old covenant and the new covenant. We are all spiritual beings (souls) in physical bodies have an earthly experience. This new covenant comes with better promises: eternal life via forgiveness of sins which allows full fellowship with our Lord. Our God is so awesome, he told us 600 years before Christ was born that he would bring a new covenant. Although Christ was perfect so he could be the spotless Lamb of propitiation, God knows that He can expect progress not perfection from christians. He expects us
to grow in His admonition, confess when we are wrong, and to keep our eyes on the prize of Heaven. I write all of this to ask all of us to reflect on how merciful we are in our daily walk and do reciporcate to others what our God does for us?
The human side of us and the devil's work wants us to keep scores of people's short comings, instead of praying with them, encouraging them, and leading them back to Jesus. Saul slain thousands of christian's yet our Lord felt the need to make him an apostle. As you read this, think about someone you know who has transgressed you or someone you know, then ask yourself how many times you have prayed for them or how many times you have spoken to them since your knowledge of the transgression? See one of the most common human behaviors is using avoidance as an effective coping mechanism or to talk about the situation with a confident, but never really address that person or their soul's state. See if you can view every person as a God given soul instead of a human being, then you will be able to stay focused on the eternal and not the mistake. When you are truly focused on the soul's eternity, then you will be merciful.